Part of IERES’s Behind the Headlines Series
Jean Radvanyi
National Institute for Oriental Languages and Cultures
Maps are one of the main tools used by governments and other nation-engineers who try to construct new national identities. In the Caucasus, where the process of nation-building has been active since the late 1980s, maps help the key players to mobilize public opinion. They feature in all kind of media – newspapers, TV shows, schools, textbooks, political pamphlets and advertising. Since the Caucasus as a whole is one of the hot-spot of Eurasia, maps are involved in a kind of competition: the battle of maps. This seminar will present this battle of maps and discuss its wider implications for shaping nation-building and political decision-making in the North and South Caucasus.
Jean Radvanyi is Professor at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Cultures, Paris, France, former director of the French-Russian Center for social sciences, and co-author of Atlas du Caucase (2011).
Monday, April 29, 2013
4:30 – 6:00 pm
1957 E Street NW, Room 505
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