The Association for Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV conference in Paris presents an ideal opportunity to establish an open assemblage of early career researchers and scholars connected through a shared engagement in HIV/AIDS. By coming together and forming this collective, we hope to institute a space in which to provoke and facilitate dialogue and collaboration amongst early career scholars across various disciplines and institutions worldwide. We aim to develop and nurture an inclusive space in which to share research experiences and knowledge emerging from our individual and collective projects to the benefit of all involved and, equally importantly, the multiple intellectual worlds we inhabit. Moreover, our network intends to engage with and encourage dialogue surrounding the various issues young scholars face in their transition from student to professional.
Two launch events for the proposed collective will take place at the ASSHH conference in Paris being held from the 7th to the 10th of July. We hope that you will join us for one or both of the events to join in the conversation and to offer your voice to this newly forming collective.
Sunday the 7th of July: There will be a roundtable event to introduce the networks, to share ideas and discuss emerging themes in our work and to begin to set an agenda for collective and international discussion.
Monday the 8th of July: There will be a cocktail party for early career scholars to meet informally, discuss ideas and forge connections. Attendance at the Sunday event is not a prerequisite for participation at the event, which will focus on building networks of support and knowledge sharing more broadly.
Please sign up below to express your interest in joining the network and participating in the Paris events. If you cannot attend the Paris conference, but are still interested in joining the collective, we would still appreciate a response from you to indicate your interest in joining our mailing list and participating in future network events.
The early careers scholars events at ASSHH are being jointly organised by the Interdisciplinary Network on HIV and Innovation (UK), the Network of Young Scholars on Social Sciences and HIV/AIDS (France), and the Transcriptions Forum.
The Interdisciplinary Network on HIV and Innovation (United Kingdom) was established in 2008 as part of the HIV Project led by Marsha Rosengarten at Goldsmiths College, University of London. As a collective we encourage interdisciplinarity and collaboration in order to open up debate across disciplines and engage the complex problematic of HIV/AIDS in its various guises using theory such as Science and Technology Studies (STS) and an imaginative approach to novel research methods.
The Network of Young of Scholars on Social Sciences and HIV/AIDS (France) is an interdisciplinary network of approximately 80 members that was created in 2008 to advocate for collective activities and for the professionalization of young scholars. Its members organise seminars, conferences, thematic workshops and writing/publication workshops. The network is mainly supported by the French National Agency for AIDS research (ANRS) and the Young Scholars Network on Health & Society (Réseau Santé & Société), which also provides support for scientific activities.
Transcriptions is a collaborative forum for critical enquiry on HIV/AIDS and global health: experiment, ethics, and practice. The site, hosted by Somatosphere, is designed as a space for scholars and activists, policy makers and practitioners working at the intersections of the biosciences, social sciences, public health, and the humanities to engage in critical conversation and to take each other up on important issues that cross disciplinary divides – methodological, conceptual, and programmatic.
Please sign up here to express your interest in joining the network and participating in our Paris events:
First Name
Last Name