Check out the comments in this post:
Anthropology: The landmark books
Last year I posted an open thread called “Anthropology: Five Books,” in which I asked readers to list the five books they feel best represent the discipline. The responses were great. I think it’s time to try another open thread along similar lines, but let’s take a bit of a different route. During that last thread, I asked about books that both represent anthropology and appeal to general readers. This time, let’s talk about the books that form your own personal anthropological canon.
Fred Limp (SAA President) Responding to Open Access in Archaeology
from Digging Digitally by Eric Kansa
Again, thanks to everyone for the thoughtful comments and discussion on my prior post here and elsewhere. I also want to thank Fred Limp, President of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) for taking the time to share his thoughts on the topic, including posting them on this blog. Below are the comments he emailed to me (with permissions to post):
Anthropology Beyond Capitalism
from Anthropology Report by Jason Antrosio
Inspired by the special issue on Beyond Capitalism in Anthropology News and the publication of excerpts from Guy Alperovitz’s America Beyond Capitalism in Truthout, a collection of related material from the anthropology blogs. Please let me know of additional resources!
Building an Anthropology of Bicycling
from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Adonia
Researching bicycling, like many ethnographic projects, suggests a bodily incorporation of the ethnographer into some local practice. I mean, I could study the social and cultural life of bicycling and not also ride a bike, but that would be like a celiac studying people who sample bread. Actually, that’s kind of accurate, because there is not one kind of bicycling, just as there is not one kind of bread. The celiac could enjoy millet and rice flour loaves, while avoiding those with wheat flour. I study and practice urban transport bicycling, which includes what I think of as “urban recreational cycling,” but I don’t know much about mountain biking, long distance recreational cycling, or racing.
Militanthro: Anthropology and the Study of NATO and the U.S. Military
from OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY by Maximilian Forte
Neuroanthropology on Facebook – A Round-Up of the Good Stuff
from Neuroanthropology by neuroanth
Earlier in this year, Greg and I started micro-blogging and posting links on our Neuroanthropology Facebook site. We’re over 1,000 likes there, so thanks to everyone who has taken part in building our presence on Facebook.
Anthropology & Democracy III: The stand aside or do something edition
from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Ryan
This is Part III of a series of posts on anthropology and democracy. Part I is here, Part II, here.
In the USA, the spectre of democracy looms. It is days away. November 6, when people all across the country will step into a small booth and exercise their right to participate in the democratic system by choosing between representatives from the two dominant political parties (oh, and a slew of others that the vast majority of people have not heard of). This is democracy at the highest political level. Democracy at its finest. The pinnacle. Right?
Danish media reactions to Journal of Linguistic Anthropology paper
from Society for Linguistic Anthropology by Chad Nilep
[The following is a guest post by Martha Sif Karrebæk.]
On the 13th of August I was contacted by a journalist from the biggest national radio station in Denmark who wanted me on air the following morning. Later that day as well as the following days I was called by a bunch of journalists, from other radio stations, newspapers, magazines and even the two national television stations, including the 9 o’clock news (see the list below).
Cultural Competency in Anthropological Perspective
from Neuroanthropology by daniel.lende
The rise and wane of the cremation ritual
from Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog by Dienekes
A thought occurred to me recently as I was reading about the Urnfield culture and the two components of the Andronovo horizon, the Alakul and Fedorovo cultures which contrasted in their practice of cremation vs. inhumation. It seems that the cremation ritual rose to prominence during the Bronze Age and then largely waned during the Iron Age.
Notes on “The Poetics of History”
from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Matt Thompson
Metahistory (1973) is a remarkably prescient text. One of my projects this summer was getting to know Hayden White and I thought I might share some of the notes I took on the introductory chapter to his best known book. What brought me to the work initially was my interest in history and memory studies. Although the author’s intent is to address historians, Metahistory can be read as a comprehensive framework for thinking about how anthropologists construct representations through ethnography or how a community comes to relate to its past through the composition of historical narratives.
Anthropology Blogs 2013
from Anthropology Report by Jason Antrosio
Anthropology Blogs are a way to understand What is Anthropology. In 2013, anthropology unveils the This Is Anthropology–a big thanks to Jason Miller, Charlotte Noble, and Janelle Christensen for their work, and see theirNeuroanthropology – This Is Anthropology commentary.
Anthropology, Gun Reform, American Anthropological Association
from Anthropology Report by Jason Antrosio