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hawgblawg: Cheikha Rimitti, Charrak Gataa‘

I previously posted on this song (usually translated as "Tear, Cut" or "Tear, Lacerate,") recorded in 1954, arguing that the claim that the song was an unambiguous call on young Algerian women to abandon their virginity.I've been searching for (a) a good transcription of the lyrics and (b) a translation. I went back to the task today and discovered that there are (at least) two versions of the song.First, there is this version, released on Pathé in 1954, which is 6:07 long.And, there is this version, which is 3:42 long.The shorter version is one found on this CD, released by L'Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, from a series of concerts Rimitti gave at the IMA in February 1994.I found this translation here, which I've fixed just a bit, but it still doesn't make sense in a lot of places. It's a bit of a mess in fact. I will come back to it shortly, I hope, but in the meantime inshallah someone will see this and help me out!P { margin-bottom: 0.08ilacère, déchire lacère, déchire lacère, déchire  la figure Rimitti revient lacère, déchire  j'ai déchirer droit sur le cotéla la la la la lala route de Blida est loinet nous prenons une taxiroute de blida route de blidaregardez moi ils m'ont demander de payerlacère, déchire la figure de rimitti est de retourfais comme ci comme ca comme hier a l'hotelcomme hier sur le lit (bis) ya ya yal'amour dans nos yeux chez les faikinel'amour ya l'amour l'amourretournade retournade retournaderetournade retournade fait le fort a celui qui le desirl'amour ya l'amoure l'amourdix bagards est compagnon me devorefaiseur d'histoire nous envoyer des belle colombelacère, déchire lacère, déchire lacère, déchire lacère, déchire l'ombre de rimitti reapparaitMore later...

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